About Us

Our core idea…

Rotarians supporting the success of fellow Rotarians in business

Rotary Means Business – Networking Events

This is one of the most attended monthly Fellowship events, attracting Rotarians from all over the Austin area who seek to network in an informal after-hours social setting

There is much to do in Rotary beyond weekly Rotary Meetings. In fact, there are many Fellowship groups but one, in particular, is of great interest to Rotarian professionals: Rotary Means Business. This Fellowship of businesspeople holds a monthly event in a different location, usually after 6 pm when working professionals can attend. The events allow every attendee to share a brief introduction about their business and how they can help their fellow Rotarians or their referrals.

Here are some basic essentials for attending a Rotary Means Business event:

    • Be curious: Ask how you can be a resource for the people you meet at the events. The idea is to build trust and mutual connections.
    • Be present: When possible, keep your phone away unless you are exchanging contact information.
    • Be patient: It takes time to build relationships.
    • Be a Rotarian: Apply the 4-way test to your business practices.

Rotary Means Business is often reserved for active Rotarians who are members of a local Rotary Club. However, Rotarians are encouraged to bring one guest as a way to introduce them to the joy of Rotary membership.

Interested in joining a Rotary Club in the Austin Area?

Rotary needs People of Action just like YOU to continue achieving its mission—and it all can start by requesting an invite to a Rotary meeting near your home or workplace. We continue building the next generation of Rotarian leaders to keep our wheel turning and fueling progress for our communities and the world as a whole.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Rotary Means Business?

Rotary Means Business (RMB) is an Rotary International Fellowship developed to bring a focus on business networking between Rotarians. There are RMB Chapters across the globe.

Chapter 247 is known as RMB Austin Metro chapter it was formed to create the atmosphere for business networking within the Austin Metro area.


Do I need to register to be a member?

We encourage you to register as a member of the RMB Austin Metro Chapter. While you may view the website as a guest anytime, the benefit comes from being a participating member so that you can be better informed about the RMB events and to assist you in making contact with other Rotarians.

Why should I join the fellowship?

The fellowship at Austin Metro is an important part of gaining maximum value from RMB. Unlike other access you may have to other Rotary databases and membership lists, the RMB database lets you enter your own “services offered” or specialty areas so that others can find you by using terms and criteria they may to make contact easier and more efficient.

Where can get details about how RMB works?

For more information about Rotary Means Business visit the international RMB Fellowship website at www.rotarymeansbusiness.org.


How do I sponsor an event?

Throughout the year Rotarian Businesses have multiple opportunities to support the Rotary Means Business Austin Metro Chapter and promote their business as an event sponsor. Sponsorship funds help defray the cost of RMB events and allow the chapter to plan future events.

Chapter Events – Networking Meetings (Estimated at 75 or more attendees)

  • Shared Rotarian Member Sponsorship – up to 3 sponsors at $100/event
  • Shared Non-Rotarian Member Sponsorship – Sponsors $200/event

Sponsors will be provided visibility in the RMB website/event marketing materials, Event Power point, a table for marketing materials and a 3-minute craft talk.